The Saint Challenge Day 61 – St. Jean-François Régis – December 31

Born in 1597 to a wealthy merchant in France, Jean-François Régis joined the Jesuits at age 18 and was ordained a priest at 34. His ways were simple in both his lifestyle and his teaching, and he lived primarily on black bread and apples. His preaching was so simple, clear, and effective that children were often responsible for bringing the Gospel message home and catechizing or converting their parents. Fr. Régis founded orphanages and hostels, established the Confraternities of the Blessed Sacrament, and built a grain silo for the poor which would sometimes be miraculously refilled. He died of pneumonia at the age of 43.


To prevent women from being forced into a life of prostitution for survival, St. Jean-François Régis established a lace factory to employ women as skilled labor. As we learned yesterday from St. Anysia, wearing a veil by women has long been a symbol of chastity, both virginal and marital. Today, buy a chapel veil for yourself or someone else as a gift.


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