The Saint Challenge Day 102 – St. José Sánchez del Río – February 10

José Sánchez del Río was born in Mexico in 1913 to devout parents with a strong faith. When the government began persecuting Catholics, José wanted to join the Cristeros movement to stand up for religious liberty, but at the age of 12, he was told he was too young to be a soldier. Undeterred, he prayed for God to let him die in defense of his faith. Less than a year later while serving as a flag-bearer for the Cristeros, he was captured, and while being tortured he was told that if he would renounce his faith he would live. He defiantly shouted over and over, “Viva Cristo Rey!” or “Long live Christ the King!” Unable to break his faith, the soldiers shot him.


St. José Sánchez del Río’s Godfather was a government official who tried many times to save José’s life, but José would not renounce his faith. His Godfather was the one who gave the final order to have him killed. Sometimes those closest to us hurt us the most and tempt us to renounce our faith by word or deed. Pray for them today, and also for the courage to stand strong. Viva Cristo Rey!

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