Honor Thy Wife

Witty, honest, and thoughtful, Honor Thy Wife is a must-read book for every husband.

“...read this and give it to every married man you know!”

There has been a run of wonderful resources of late offering help to Christians in fostering devotion to Our Lady, St. Joseph and a variety of other saints. Blessed be God! For most people, however, few things can be as practical or life-impacting as growing in devotion to a spouse. This little gem by Kevin Lowry is rich with vulnerable stories, humor, and concrete suggestions that can dramatically impact every marriage.  Please read this and give it to every married man you know!

Fr. John Riccardo
Missionary, ACTS XXIX

“...both inspiring and relatable...”

Kevin Lowry’s Honor Thy Wife is a heartfelt collection of short, personal stories that offer practical and meaningful encouragement for men to love their wives deeply and faithfully-just as Christ loves the Church. The book is both inspiring and relatable, reminding men of the profound importance of honoring their wives in both good times and bad.

In a culture that often overlooks the beauty of sacrificial love, Honor Thy Wife stands as a powerful witness to the transformative power of marriage when husbands truly love their wives in the way God intended.

Fr. Dave Pivonka T.O.R
President, Franciscan University of Steubenville

“God is waiting for you in these pages...”

God is waiting for you in these pages, and he has a blessing. Even if you’re satisfied in your marriage, you’ll discover here some way to make it better. God is waiting with nudges or maybe even a wallop. But he won’t leave you unchanged when you turn the last page.

Mike Aquilina
Author, The Fathers of the Church

“...a helpful, practical and needed resource...”

Kevin offers spiritual wisdom, backed by Holy Scripture, to provide encouragement and practical advice on how to strengthen marriages in a very relatable way by sharing stories and snippets from his own personal life. This beautiful book is a helpful, practical and needed resource in the Church today, I highly recommend it to anyone wishing to cultivate a more holy, healthy and happy marriage!

Emily Jaminet
Author, Holy Habits from the Sacred Heart

“...a practical yet profound approach...”

From the words spoken and actions taken by the Lord Jesus at Cana to Our Lady at Fatima to countless Popes in Rome, the topic of the family and in particular the sacrament of marriage is treasured and defended. In this book by Mr. Kevin Lowry we enter into a practical yet profound approach by which the husband can honor his wife and thus strengthen their marital bonds made rich by their vows. Through Kevin’s keen awareness of human nature and his employment of humor one can see how his own self knowledge has grown as a result of his love and honor for his wife Kathi, may it be so for every man who reads this book and then loves the woman who is his wife with honor and respect. As Christ loves the Church may every husband live his wife!

Fr. Stash Dailey
Pastor, St. Michael the Archangel parish

“...the perfect book for a busy guy...”

This is the perfect book for a busy guy who wants to be a better husband. In this easy to read, practical book Kevin explains how men can step up to be who we are called to be for the sake of our marriage. All married men need this book—their wives will be grateful!

Michael Hernon
President and co-founder of Messy Family Project

“...equal parts profound and practical...”

Kevin’s approach to directing men on how to honor their wives and live as virtuous husbands is equal parts profound and practical. I found myself nodding in agreement as I turned each page and I admire the way Kevin shares difficult stories about his own shortcomings to help connect the dots throughout this important guide. Thanks to Honor Thy Wife, I’ve recommitted to some of the most basic building blocks within my own marriage.

Jeff Schiefelbein
Managing Partner, Undivided Life and
co-host of The BeatiDudes

Married for over 35 years, Kevin Lowry has spent most of that time learning how to love, honor, and cherish his wife better. In this delightful, easy-to-read book, he shares a month’s-worth of stories and the lessons he learned along the way. Each day’s story then turns into an action item designed to help husbands renew their wedding vow to honor their wife.

A great devotional to do annually in the month leading up to a wedding anniversary, it can also be repeated every month. Husbands, don’t wait, commit to honoring your wife today, and order a copy of Honor Thy Wife.

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