The Saint Challenge Day 11 – St. Martin of Tours – November 11

In the year 316, Martin of Tours was born to pagan parents in modern-day Hungary. He discovered Christianity on his own and became a catechumen in his early teens. He joined the Roman army at fifteen and he was assigned to the Cavalry. One day he was riding on his horse and saw a beggar with no clothes. Martin cut his officer’s cloak in half and gave it to the beggar. That night he had a dream of Jesus wearing the cloak, which propelled him to become baptized and start his journey to eventually becoming a bishop.


Though still a catechumen, St. Martin of Tours already understood the gospel message of clothing the naked. Today, go through your clothes and pick at least five things you don’t need, and tomorrow drop them off at a St. Vincent de Paul clothing room or other place that takes donations of gently used clothes.

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