The Saint Challenge Day 12 – St. Josaphat Kunsevich – November 12

Born in modern-day Ukraine in 1580, Josaphat Kunsevich was raised in the Orthodox Ruthenian Church which had recently united with the Catholic Church. At the age of 20, he became a monk and eventually a bishop. There was strife as the old Orthodox believers fought against the union with the Catholic Church. Bishop Josaphat worked tirelessly for unity, as well as to bring back fallen-away Christians. As the fighting grew heated between the two sides, he worked for peace but he was eventually martyred by a mob.


“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called sons of God.” It’s not hard to look around and find two groups of people arguing with each other but it is hard to be a peacemaker. So pray about where the Holy Spirit is calling you to bring unity and peace to your family, your parish, or your neighborhood. Once you know where the Holy Spirit is calling you, go be a peacemaker.

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