The Saint Challenge Day 13 – St. Brice of Tours – November 13

Born in 370 and then orphaned, Brice of Tours was rescued by St. Martin and raised by priests. Despite being wild and rebellious, he became a priest, though not a good one. After St. Martin died, St Brice was elected to take his place as bishop, but the townspeople revolted and Brice ran off rather than be stoned. He had a change of heart and for 33 years led a pious life. When he came back to Tours he was remembered… and ran out of town. Word of his pious life in exile changed the hearts of the townspeople, and when he returned seven years later, they greeted him and made him their bishop.


Every saint has a past, and every sinner has a future. Don’t let your past sins keep you from being a saint tomorrow. Today, pray about what past sins of yours are holding you back from being a saint. If you haven’t confessed them, go to confession. If you have confessed them, let them go. Either way, tomorrow get back on the road to being a saint.

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