The Saint Challenge Day 14 – St. Serapion Scott – November 14

Born in 1178 in the British Isles, Serapion Scott served alongside King Richard the Lionhearted on the Third Crusade and helped care for prisoners who were liberated in Palestine. As a friar in the Order of Mercy, he helped liberate hundreds of captives by offering himself for ransom in exchange for prisoners. It was during one of these liberations in 1240 that when the ransom didn’t arrive on time, Serapion Scott was martyred by being tied to an X-shaped cross, then disemboweled and dismembered.


St. Serapion Scott offered his life for the freedom of others. Today, make a solemn commitment to offer one hour of your life in Eucharistic adoration to pray for an end to abortion, or if you can, offer one hour of your life to peacefully pray in front of an abortion clinic as part of a 40 Days for Life vigil. You can find out more at


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