The Saint Challenge Day 112 – St. Jacinta Marto – February 20

Born in 1910 in Portugal, Jacinta Marto was born in a small poor town. Along with her brother Francisco, she helped her cousin Lúcia take care of the family’s sheep. In 1916, Jacinta and the other two saw a vision of an angel that taught them to pray. A year later, the apparitions at Fatima began that forever changed their lives. One day after the apparitions ended, Lúcia asked Jacinta why she looked so sad: “I am thinking of hell and unfortunate sinners,” Jacinta said. “How sorry I am for the souls that go there… think of it, alive, burning like wood in a fire.” Jacinta Marto died from a flu epidemic in 1920.


The vision of hell that the Blessed Virgin Mary showed to seven-year-old St. Jacinta Marto and the other two seers prompted Jacinta to constantly pray for the conversion of others. For whose conversion are you praying? Today, commit to performing the first five Saturdays devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary for the conversion of someone you know.

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