Antonia was born in Italy into a family of nobles in the year 1401. When her parents arranged for her to be married at a young age, she was obedient though she felt a calling to religious life. She and her husband had a son, then her husband died leaving Antonia a widow at the age of 27. When her son was old enough to be on his own, Antonia decided to join the Poor Clares and live only for God. She was so great in virtue that in only a few years her superiors called her to Foligno to be a superior there. After performing as a model superior, she was sent to found a convent in Aquila, and then another a few years later. Mother Antonia cared for her sisters in body and soul with motherly love, and the sisters were exceptionally fond of her. She died at the age of 71, and numerous miracles have occurred at her grave.
Seeking greater perfection, the second convent Blessed Antonia of Florence founded was a reformed Poor Clares convent with a stricter rule and greater poverty. It’s easy to get comfortable with the sacrifices we’re already making in the name of holiness, but there’s always room for more. Today, think about your spiritual life. What can you do more of in the name of greater holiness?
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