The Saint Challenge Day 126 – St. John Joseph of the Cross – March 5

Born to noble parents on an island off the coast of southern Italy in 1654, John Joseph had such a great love for the poor that even from an early age he would dress like the poor. By the age of 16, his life of virtue, prayer, and fasting led him to enter the Order of St. Francis. He was quickly assigned to start a new friary in northern Italy before he was even ordained to the priesthood. He personally assisted in the construction of the friary, and he humbly rose from priest up to Vicar Provincial. After his term as provincial expired, he dedicated himself to pastoral work, hearing confessions, and praying over the sick. He is credited with several miracles as well as the gift of prophesy.


No matter his office, St. John Joseph of the Cross saw himself as no better than any of the friars and did many menial tasks. While the City of Man tells us that “rank has its privileges,” those who labor in the City of God know that we are all equal in dignity. Today, take on a burdensome task of someone else, then consider how you can make this task a habit.

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