The Saint Challenge Day 22 – St. Cecilia – November 22

Cecelia was born to Roman aristocracy in the 3rd Century. She vowed her virginity to God, but her parents arranged for her to be married to a pagan. On their wedding night, Cecelia told her new husband that she had sworn her virginity to God, that she was accompanied by an angel, and that to see the angel he would have to be baptized. He agreed, and after his baptism he found Cecelia in prayer, accompanied by an angel. Cecelia’s husband converted his brother and the two of them began a ministry of burying Christian martyrs. When they were discovered, they were martyred. Cecelia buried them and continued to make Christian converts. When she was caught, she was martyred.


It is said that “While the profane music of her wedding was heard, Cecilia was singing in her heart a hymn of love for Jesus, her true spouse.” Today, turn off all your secular music. Pick your favorite hymn from Mass, and sing it or hum it throughout the day. See how many days in a row you can keep doing this.

Have you check out the Saint In Progress podcast? The weekly show delves into issues of faith that everyone deals with on their journey home to the Father’s house.

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