The Saint Challenge Day 267 – St. Christina the Astonishing – July 24

Born in 1150 near Liége, Belgium, Christina Mirabilis was orphaned as a teenager. When she was about 21 she had a massive seizure or epileptic fit. Appearing dead, the townsfolk arranged a funeral, which is where things get… astonishing. In the middle of the funeral, she woke up and levitated to the ceiling of the church. Christina would levitate other times as well, saying she did it to escape the stench of sin on people. She also did extreme penances for the benefit of the Holy Souls in Purgatory, such as standing in icy water or fire for long periods and then coming out unharmed. Though people thought she was insane, others sought her counsel. She joined a Dominican monastery and eventually died for real at the age of 74.


After her near-funeral, St. Christina said that she did die, and her soul was shown Heaven, Hell, and Purgatory. From that point on she encouraged people to join her in praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Today, pray the Chaplet for the Dead and Litany for the Holy Souls in Purgatory and consider making every first Tuesday of the month a day of prayer and penance for the Holy Souls.


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