The Saint Challenge Day 332 – St. Vincent de Paul – September 27

In 1581, Vincent de Paul was born into a poor family in France who encouraged young Vincent to escape poverty, and he spent much of his youth pursuing fame and fortune. He decided that being a priest would satisfy these desires, and after studying with Franciscans and saving money from tutoring jobs, he sought to leave even his own parents behind as he paid his own way into divinity studies and was ordained at 19. Five years later he was on a ship that was taken by pirates, and Vincent was sold into slavery for two years. God used suffering to change Vincent’s heart, and after being set free he spent the next 55 years helping the same class of people he sought to distance himself from. To serve the poor and prisoners, he passionately established lay organizations and religious congregations that still exist today.


St. Vincent de Paul was so ashamed of his upbringing that while in seminary he turned his own father away because of his father’s shabby appearance. Today, help continue the mission of the reformed St. Vincent de Paul by spending at least $25 on new underwear, socks, and other articles of clothing and help the organization that bears his name clothe the less fortunate.