The Saint Challenge Day 334 – The Feast of the Archangels Michael, Gabriel, and Rafael – September 29

In Catholic angelology, there are nine choirs of angels, pure spirits that serve God. Archangels are chief angels and are the most frequently mentioned in the Bible, serving as God’s messenger to man and delivering messages or doing works of supreme importance. St. Michael is most known for leading the angels loyal to God in casting Lucifer and the rebellious angels out of Heaven. St. Gabriel gave prophesy to Daniel, announced John the Baptist to Zechariah, and most importantly brought the Incarnation message to Mary. St. Raphael means “God’s remedy” and he opened Tobit’s eyes so he could see. God sends angels to help us, and today is their feast day.


In the year 1750, St. Michael the Archangel appeared to a Carmelite nun in Portugal and revealed a set of prayers to her, promising that everyone who recites it would be escorted by one angel from each angelic choir when they receive the Eucharist. Pope Pius IX approved it and attached several indulgences to it as well. Today pray the Chaplet of St. Michael, also called the Rosary of Angels.