The Saint Challenge Day 364 – Blessed Chiara Badano – October 29

Ruggero and Teresa Badano spent 10 years praying to be blessed with a child, and in 1971, their prayers were answered when they welcomed Chiara into the world. From as young as four, Chiara’s piety was clear, and she seemed to be gifted with supernatural charity that shone through, even in her most stubborn childhood moments. She visited the elderly and other children when they were sick, and invited the less- fortunate to her house. At 17 she was diagnosed with a rare form of cancer that did not respond to treatment. Chiara said, “If this is what You want Jesus, so do I.” She refused morphine and suffered with joy, saying that she didn’t want people to cry at her funeral but instead to sing “with all their hearts.” She died just shy of her 19th birthday.


Blessed Chiara Badano’s short life showed us how best to live for the forsaken Christ: she gave everything away, even herself. Toward the end of her life, she said, “I have nothing left, but I still have my heart, and with that I can always love.” Today, go to Eucharistic adoration, and while you’re there write at least one letter to someone, and tell them how much you love them with all of your heart.

All Saints’ Day is right around the corner! The Saint Challenge restarts on All Saints’ Day, and a print copy of The Saint Challenge is a great companion for a year of challenges and a lifetime of living the faith. Buy your copy today then challenge a friend to join you!