The Saint Challenge Day 4 – St. Charles Borromeo – November 4

Born in 1538 in Italy to a wealthy, noble family, Charles Borromeo was surrounded by the Church his entire life. He was the nephew of a pope, was educated by a future pope, became a cleric at the age of nine, a canon lawyer at 21, a deacon at 22, a priest at 25, and rose quickly in rank and prominence. He was so in favor of strict discipline within the Church that some monks attempted to murder him. He spent his life and inheritance in service to his fellow man and in service to the Church.


St. Charles Borromeo was known for starting Sunday schools for catechizing children. He was also known for leading by example. Contact your parish and ask how you can get involved in the children’s liturgy, PSR, or RCIA programs with your time, talent, or treasure.

A print copy of The Saint Challenge is a great companion for a year of challenges and a lifetime of living the faith. Buy your copy today then challenge a friend to join you!

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