The Saint Challenge Day 42 – Our Lady of Guadalupe – December 12

Today, we celebrate the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. When Mary came to Saint Juan Diego, she asked him to build a chapel in her honor. St. Juan Diego told his bishop what happened, but his bishop demanded proof. Mary appeared again to St. Juan Diego and he told her what the bishop said. So Mary told him to go fill his tilma with roses and bring them to the bishop and that would be his sign. (A tilma is like a poncho.) St. Juan Diego did this, and when he showed the bishop, the roses were turned into an image of Mary that was glowing in the fabric. St. Juan Diego’s tilma is preserved, with the image, to this day.


Once the site of Aztec pagan rituals, the shrine to Mary was consecrated by the bishop and made holy, and it has been the site of many miracles and conversions ever since. In your home, do you have any shrines or altars to athletes, actors, musicians, or maybe yourself? If you do, take them down. If you don’t, then buy a dozen roses and bring them to a statue of Mary at a church or cemetery.

Did you know that Catholic Treehouse makes Rosaries? We make them by hand in the USA using high-quality hardware and heavy-gauge wire, then we back them with a lifetime warranty. Every one is unique and takes 1.5-2 hours to make. Shop our selection today. Order by December 18th to ensure Christmas delivery.


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