The Saint Challenge Day 5 – Blessed Bernhard Lichtenberg – November 5

Bernhard Lichtenberg was born in Germany in 1875, was ordained in 1899, and became the parish priest of Sacred Heart Church in Berlin in 1913. He helped with the construction of five parishes and a monastery. When the Nazis took power, Fr. Lichtenberg spoke out against their treatment of the Jews and attracted the attention of the Gestapo. He began quietly distributing copies of Pope Pius XI’s encyclical that condemned the Nazis and was arrested in 1941. After being harshly interrogated he was put on a cattle car to the concentration camp at Dachau, and died en route.


Sometimes the battle isn’t between right and wrong, it’s between doing something and doing nothing. It’s the battle against ourselves. Is there a “nothing” in your life that is crying out for you to do a “something” for what is right and just? Do you know someone who is living a sinful life and you say nothing about it? Don’t sit on the sidelines any longer. Pray for the Holy Spirit to give you the right words to say.

Our #1 best-seller, Letters From the Voyages of St. Frances Cabrini is a collection of 17 of Mother Cabrini’s letters to her missionary sisters, beautifully re-typeset from the original 1945 edition. Combining lessons of faith and wisdom with vivid descriptions of her adventures, it’s sure to be read again and again.


Letters From the Voyages of St. Frances Cabrini - Cover

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