The Saint Challenge Day 85 – St. Francis de Sales – January 24

In modern-day France in 1567, Frances de Sales was born into a wealthy and powerful family. His father was a senator and he wanted Francis to become a lawyer and take his place, but after earning a doctorate in both law and theology from the University of Padua, Francis felt a call to the priesthood. He turned down an arranged marriage and overcame his parents’ opposition with his gentle ways. As a priest and a bishop, his pleasant demeanor and clear teaching were able to overcome many Protestants’ objections to the Catholic Church and he brought many back into communion with the Church. He founded the Order of the Visitation, and his many writings earned him the title Doctor of the Church.


St. Francis de Sales knew sign language and would use it to preach the Gospel to the deaf. The National Catholic Office for the Deaf is a non-profit that serves the faith needs of 5.7 million deaf and hard-of-hearing Catholics across the United States. Go to today and give them a donation, or contact them and see what more you can do to help.

Have you checked out the Saint In Progress podcast? The weekly show delves into issues of faith that everyone deals with on their journey home to the Father’s house.

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