The Saint Challenge Day 92 – St. John Bosco – January 31

John Bosco was born in Italy in 1815, in a small town at the foot of the Alps. His father died when he was two and he grew up helping his mother and two older brothers raise sheep and tend a garden. They were poor in money but rich in faith, and readily shared what they had with the needy. At nine he had a vision of Mary calling him to the priesthood, and with hard work, dedication, and countless odd jobs including that of a bowling pin setter, he was ordained at 26. His pastoral ministry concentrated on orphans, especially wayward boys. He opened an oratory, started the Salesian order and two others, wrote books and pamphlets, and was known for his life of virtue and several miracles.


St. John Bosco said, “Fly from bad companions as from the bite of a poisonous snake. If you keep good companions, I can assure you that you will one day rejoice with the blessed in Heaven; whereas if you keep with those who are bad, you will become bad yourself, and you will be in danger of losing your soul.” Today, evaluate the people with whom you associate. From whom you should flee? With whom you should strengthen your friendship?

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