Letters From the Voyages of St. Frances Cabrini

“On deck, we contemplate the vast horizon,

and in the immensity of the ocean we see reflected very brightly the attributes of God, especially His power, His wisdom and His goodness. How great and admirable is our loving God in His works! He made everything, made it for us, and great should be our gratitude.”

“Take religion away from man,

and nothing remains in this life but illusion, trials and afflictions without number. Where can he find the strength to resign himself to trials and misfortune, if he has not the comforting thoughts which religion suggests? Whence do rebellions and seditions arise, if not from a lack of religion? We are greatly mistaken if, desirous as each one is in her own sphere to contribute to the greatness of our country, we do not base our hopes on that cornerstone which is Christ and His Church.”

“Let us open wide our hearts,

let us help those souls lying under the yoke of the king of darkness. Let us break, by the fire of ardent Charity, the heavy chains that bind these poor souls to the terrible slavery of the devil, and we shall see that our efforts are not in vain.”

“Yes! Dear daughters, it is Jesus our Beloved,

Who by His death conquered hell and sin and won from His Heavenly Father, as His inheritance, all peoples. How consoling to think that we and all the people we would like to convert are the Kingdom of Christ, the hereditary portion, the most precious inheritance of Jesus! And how Jesus rejoices in the conversion of one sinful soul! What joy does not the recovery of one sheep give to His Divine Heart? How He clasps it in His loving arms!”

“If you love God, come forth, have courage,

the devil laughs at the weak, at the timid, whereas he fears and flies from energetic souls. Are you fearful? She who trusts in God and mistrusts herself, need fear nothing, because stripped of herself and strong with the strength of God, and with faith and humility, she can defy everything. Mind, dangers only exist for those who put themselves in the way of them, who mix up the things of the world with the things of God. On the other hand, those who are untrammeled with the things of the world, seek God alone and His service, and His glory, run no risk.”

“Come, prudent Virgins, and enlarge the Missionary Army,

come, and make all nations give one another the kiss of peace. Come, for the Kingdom of God has no limits; its limits are those of the globe itself. Come, and let your glory be the glory of your celestial Spouse, the working out of that celestial talent—the sublime vocation of cooperating with Christ for the salvation of souls. Come, for in the Vineyard of the Great Father of the family we are to gather rich and copious sheaves.”

Called a “Missionary of the New Evangelization” by Pope John Paul II, St. Frances Xavier Cabrini blazed a path of charity in the New World that is beyond compare.

Led by her fervent love of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and fueled by the Eucharist, Mother Cabrini founded the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart and spent three decades journeying across North and South America, establishing 67 schools, orphanages, and hospitals to serve immigrants and the poor alike.

In this collection of 17 of her letters, journey with Mother Cabrini as she embarks on her calling “to communicate the love of Jesus to those who do not know Him or have forgotten Him.” Join her on the deck of steam ships as she criss-crosses the Atlantic, enduring seasickness and storms, and dodging icebergs. Venture with her through the mountains of South America on the back of a donkey as she establishes new missions. Be mesmerized with her descriptions of the American west, from Colorado to California. Listen as she explains with tenderness how to grow in holiness.

In addition to journeying her travels and the people she meets, her letters cover a wide range of topics of the Catholic faith:

  • The blessings of the Real Presence of Jesus Christ in the Eucharist
  • How to live the devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus
  • The importance of praying for the Holy Souls in Purgatory
  • How to trust in Divine Providence
  • The glories of Mary
  • The necessity of humility and obedience, and the graces we receive from them
  • The essential work of the missionary
  • The consequences of living for the world instead of for God

Filled with a mixture of entertainment, wisdom, and faith, Letters From the Voyages of St. Frances Cabrini is a work that will be read and re-read, and cherished for years to come.

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