Born a Christian slave in the Second Century, as a young man Callistus worked for an investment banker of his time. When the bank failed the blame was shifted to Callistus who fled in fear. Arrested, he was sent to a labor camp for a while. After his eventual release, he became a deacon and advised the pope on theological matters. When the pope was martyred, a contested election resulted in Callistus and Hippolytus both claiming they won, but eventually Callistus took the See of Peter. Pope Callistus I fought against the heresy of Modalism and to the dismay of some, he affirmed that sincere repentance and divine mercy absolved even the most serious of sins. He was martyred during an anti-Christian riot in Rome by being thrown down a well.


As a deacon, St. Pope Callistus I was put in charge of a Christian cemetery in Rome that still exists today and bears his name. Taking care of the dead and their resting place is a spiritual work of mercy. Today, perform a corporal work of mercy by going to a cemetery near you and buy lunch for the first worker or workers you see.