The Saint Challenge Day 343 – Blessed Hugh Canefro – October 8

Blessed Hugh Canefro was born to a family of Italian nobility in 1148. He joined the Knights Hospitaller and served in the Third Crusade, after which he joined the Knights of Malta where he was assigned to the the hospital in Genoa. He sold his armor and used the money to buy clothes for nurses. For the next 50 years he slept on a board in the basement of the hospital and served the poor by bringing them food, spending time with them, bathing them, and praying with them. When patients would die, if they didn’t have any family it was Hugh that buried them. He recited the Liturgy of the Hours daily, occasionally had ecstasies, cast out demons, and worked miracles in life and even after his death.


Blessed Hugh Canefro is one of the most highly venerated saints in the Order of Malta, which is an emergency relief organization that has over 120,000 volunteers and medical staff around the world. They defend the faith while serving the sick, poor, and prisoners. They also arrange to take needy pilgrims to Lourdes. Today, help them in their mission. Visit: