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Sign up: 40 Days for Life
Buy and hand out Miraculous Medals:
Bulk pack of 5 Miraculous Medals
Bulk pack of 10 Miraculous Medals
Read: Dark Night of the Soul
Donate: The Trinitarians
Donate: One Warm Coat
Read: 1 John
Read: Psalm 51
Pray the Angelus
Buy a chapel veil: Veils by Lily
Read Homily 9
As an extra resource to help with today’s challenge, read St. Louis de Montfort’s essay on mortification.
Life is short and death comes quickly.
Death strikes even at play.
One mortal sin merits damnation.
Not the goods of the world, but God.
Not riches, but God.
Not honors, but God.
Not distinction, but God.
Not dignities, but God.
Not advancement, but God.
God always and in everything.
You must be holy in the way that God asks you to be holy.
God wills that you sanctify the world and your everyday life.
Read 2 Timothy
Practical Theology: Spiritual Direction from Saint Thomas Aquinas
12 Life Lessons from St. Thomas Aquinas: Timeless Spiritual Wisdom for Our Turbulent Times
The Human Wisdom of St. Thomas: A Breviary of Philosophy from the Works of St. Thomas Aquinas
Thomas Aquinas in 50 Pages: A Layman’s Quick Guide to Thomism
Visit FOCUS and see how you can help.
Buy and have blessed some beeswax candles. (Why beeswax? Read this.)
Visit: Divine Mercy
Visit: Stations of the Cross
Find out more about the First Saturdays devotion
Lorica of St. Patrick
Read Lecture 22
The Litany of St. Joseph
℣: Lord, have mercy on us.
℟: Christ, have mercy on us.
℣: Lord, have mercy on us. Jesus, hear us.
℟: Jesus, graciously hear us.
℣: God the Father of heaven,
℟: have mercy on us.
℣: God the Son, Redeemer of the World,
℟: have mercy on us.
℣: God the Holy Spirit, ℟: have mercy on us.
℣: Holy Trinity, one God, ℟: have mercy on us.
℣: Holy Mary, ℟: pray for us.
St. Joseph, ℟:
Renowned offspring of David, ℟:
Light of Patriarchs, ℟:
Spouse of the Mother of God, ℟:
Chaste guardian of the Virgin, ℟:
Foster father of the Son of God, ℟:
Diligent protector of Christ, ℟:
Head of the Holy Family, ℟:
Joseph most just, ℟:
Joseph most chaste, ℟:
Joseph most prudent, ℟:
Joseph most strong, ℟:
Joseph most obedient, ℟:
Joseph most faithful, ℟:
Mirror of patience, ℟:
Lover of poverty, ℟:
Model of artisans, ℟:
Glory of home life, ℟:
Guardian of virgins, ℟:
Pillar of families, ℟:
Solace of the wretched, ℟:
Hope of the sick, ℟:
Patron of the dying, ℟:
Terror of demons, ℟:
Protector of Holy Church, ℟:
℣: Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
℟: spare us, O Jesus.
℣: Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
℟: graciously hear us, O Jesus.
℣: Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world,
℟: have mercy on us, O Jesus.
℣: He made him the lord of his household,
℟: and prince over all his possessions.
℣: Let us pray: God, Who, in Thine ineffable Providence didst vouchsafe to choose blessed Joseph to be the Spouse of Thy most holy Mother; grant, we beseech Thee, that we may be worthy to have him for our intercessor in heaven whom, on earth, we venerate as our protector. Who livest and reignest world without end.
℣: Saint Joseph,
℟: pray for us.
- Read the Declaration on Euthanasia
- Donate to Human Life International
Annunciation Prayer
by St. Alphonses de Liguori
Oh immaculate and holy Virgin! Oh creature the most humble and the greatest before God! You were so small in your own eyes, but so great in the eyes of your Lord, that he exalted you even to choose you for his mother, and therefore to make you queen of heaven and of earth. I then thank that God who has so much exalted you, and rejoice with you in seeing you so closely united to God, that more is not permitted to a pure creature. I am ashamed to appear before you who are so humble, with so many graces; I, a miserable sinner, and so proud with so many sins. But wretched as I am, I, too, wish to salute you: Hail Mary, full of grace: Ave Maria, gratia plena. You are already full of grace; obtain a share of it also for me. The Lord is with thee: Dominus tecum. The Lord who has ever been with you even from the first moment of your creation, is now more intimately with you, by making himself your Son. Blessed art thou among women: Benedicta tu in mulieribus. Oh woman, blessed among all women, obtain for us also the divine benediction. Oh blessed plant which has given to the world a fruit so noble and so holy: Et benedictus fructus ventris tui. Holy Mary, mother of God: Sancta Maria, mater Dei. Oh Mary, I confess that you are the true Mother of God, and for this truth I would give my life a thousand times. Pray for us sinners: Ora pro nobis peccatoribus. But if you are the Mother of God, you are also the mother of our salvation, and of us poor sinners; since it is to save sinners that God made himself man; and he has made you his mother that your prayers may have the power to save every sinner. Pray for us, oh Mary. Now and in the hour of our death: Nunc et in hora mortis nostrae. Pray always; pray now, while we are in life, in the midst of so many temptations and so great danger of losing God; but still more, pray in the hour of our death, when we are on the point of leaving this world and being presented at the divine tribunal; that being saved by the merits of Jesus Christ, and by your intercession, we may one day come, without the danger of losing you any more, to salute you and praise you, with thy Son, in heaven, for all eternity. Amen.
Litany of Humility
by Rafael Cardinal Merry del Val y Zulueta
℣: O Jesus, meek and humble of heart, ℟: Hear me.
℣: From the desire of being esteemed: ℟: Deliver me, O Jesus.
℣: From the desire of being loved: ℟:
℣: From the desire of being extolled: ℟:
℣: From the desire of being honored: ℟:
℣: From the desire of being praised: ℟:
℣: From the desire of being preferred to others: ℟:
℣: From the desire of being consulted: ℟:
℣: From the desire of being approved: ℟:
℣: From the fear of being humiliated: ℟:
℣: From the fear of being despised: ℟:
℣: From the fear of suffering rebukes: ℟:
℣: From the fear of being defamed: ℟:
℣: From the fear of being forgotten: ℟:
℣: From the fear of being ridiculed: ℟:
℣: From the fear of being wronged: ℟:
℣: From the fear of being suspected: ℟:
℣: That others may be loved more than I,
℟: Jesus, grant me the grace to desire it.
℣: That others may be esteemed more than I, ℟:
℣: That, in the opinion of the world, others may increase and I may decrease, ℟:
℣: That others may be chosen and I set aside, ℟:
℣: That others may be praised and I go unnoticed, ℟:
℣: That others may be preferred to me in everything, ℟:
℣: That others may become holier than I, provided that I may become as holy as I should, ℟:
℣: O Jesus, meek and humble of heart,
℟: Make my heart like unto thine. Amen.
Buy the Baltimore Catechism 2
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Read Matthew 6:14-15
Read and compare:
Buy True Devotion to Mary and perform the consecration
Volunteer to help: Special Olympics
Find out more about the Brown Scapular
Out of print Catholic prayer & devotional books:
- Catholic Devotions: a Selection of Prayers and Devotional Exercises (1800)
- A Manual of Prayers for the Use of the Catholic Laity (1888)
- The Complete Manual of Catholic Piety (1844)
- Prayers and Offices of Devotion, for Families, and for Particular Persons, Upon Most Occasions (1822)
- The Carmelite Manual: Containing a Selection of Beautiful Prayers, and Various Practices of Piety (1846)
- The Golden Manual: Being a Guide to Catholic Devotion, Public and Private (1850)
Read Humanae Vitae
Compare the following two passages. Highlight or underline the words and phrases that are the same or similar.
Visit the National Eucharistic Revival
Support the Serra International Foundation
- Eucharistic Miracles That Prove It’s Jesus Real Presence (duration: 15:50)
- 3 Scientifically Proven Eucharistic Miracles (duration 6:17)
- Eucharistic Miracles! – Jimmy Akin’s Mysterious World (duration 1:13:43)
Support the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Mary
Buy and read Humility Rules by Fr. Augustine Wetta OSB
Support the Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm
Donate to the Catholic Extension Seminarian Scholarships
Support the Bridgettine Sisters
Support the US Catholic Missions in Guatemala
Read Preparation for Death: Considerations on Eternal Truths by St. Alphonsus de Liguori
An abridged version of these essays, along with other resources can be found in Passing Time.
Men: Join the Knights of Columbus
Read: Mark 8:34-38
Get involved: Talitha Kum
The Catechism of the Catholic Church
Liturgy of the Hours
Read St. Catherine of Genoa’s Treatise on Purgatory
Passing Time contains the unabridged Treatise on Purgatory in addition to other resources.
Support the Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament
Read Story of a Soul
Read Story of a Soul
Recite the Divine Mercy Chaplet
Get involved with helping The Newman Society
Contact the Comboni Missionaries and ask for the contact information of a random missionary, then send them a care package and letter of encouragement
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Visit the website of Bl. Carlo Acutis
Read more about The 12 Promises of the Sacred Heart
Find out the basics about the Theology of the Body: