The Saint Challenge Day 146 – The Solemnity of the Annunciation – March 25

Today is the Solemnity of the Annunciation, when the Archangel Gabriel came to Mary and Mary gave her “yes” to God’s Divine will. This day we rejoice because the Word became flesh in the womb of a virgin. The day March 25th on the current calendar has had a significance going back to the Garden of Eden. Jewish tradition sets this date as the day Adam was created and the day he committed Original Sin, the day Abraham took Issac to the mountain to sacrifice him, and the day Israel passed through the Red Sea during the Passover flight from Egypt. Also according to Jewish tradition, it is necessary for a true prophet to die on the day he was conceived, and though Passover and Easter move every year based on the lunar calendar, early Christians set March 25th as the day of the Lord’s Crucifixion.


St. Alphonsus de Liguori wrote a masterful work entitled The Glories of Mary that has meditations on various events and aspects of Mary’s life. Today, pray the Annunciation prayer that he wrote for the end of the chapter about the Annunciation.


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