The Saint Challenge Day 347 – Blessed Carlo Acutis – October 12

Born in London in 1991 to Italian parents, Carlo Acutis’ family moved back to their homeland shortly after his birth. He grew up living a normal life with school, pets, sports, friends, and video games. His parents were casual Catholics, but Carlo seemed to have an insatiable desire for Christ and the Eucharist from his earliest days, and it only grew. Soon he limited his video game time to one hour a week so he could work on his new passion: using the internet to spread the reality of Christ in the Eucharist by cataloging and documenting over 136 Eucharistic miracles. Tragically, he was diagnosed with advanced leukemia at the age of 15. He maintained his cheerful personality and evangelized with his life until his last breath.


Blessed Carlo Acutis set up a website about Eucharistic miracles and convinced his family to take their family trips to these locations so he could document them. His passion and zeal for the faith led to the reversion of his family, who continues to keep his website running. Today, visit Carlo’s website and browse his virtual museum of Eucharistic miracles.


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