The Saint Challenge Day 57 – St. John the Apostle – December 27

St. John the Apostle was a fisherman and the brother of St. James the Greater. Together they were known as “Sons of Thunder”. St. John was the only one of the disciples to not flee Christ during his Passion, and he stood at the foot of the Cross with the Blessed Virgin Mary. After the Passion, tradition says that he and Mary went to Ephesus where he cared for her until her death and assumption. After this, he was taken to Rome where the Emperor tried to kill him. Unsuccessful, he was banished to the island of Patmos instead. St. John is believed to be the youngest of the twelve Apostles, was the last to die, and the only one of the Apostles to not be martyred.


St. John was known as “the disciple Jesus loved” and at the Last Supper, he rested his head on Jesus’ chest. How can you be a disciple that Jesus loves? St. John knows, and he wants to tell you. Today, open your Bible and read the first epistle of John as if you were receiving it as a letter from a friend, written just to you… then listen for the Holy Spirit to speak.


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