The Saint Challenge Day 63 – St. Basil the Great – January 2

Born in 329 in Caesarea, Basil was influenced by his virtuous father. He was a serious student, and he was regarded by all his teachers for his brilliant academic mind in multiple subjects. Though he could have become a professor, he began his saintly path when he was baptized and ordained a reader of the Gospels. As he read and studied the Gospels, he became drawn to religious life in the pursuit of perfection. He became an archbishop, founded what was probably the first monastery in Asia Minor, fought the selling of church offices and sacred items, instilled discipline in his clergy, and defended the Church from the Arian heresy.


The many written works of St. Basil the Great earned him the title of Doctor of the Church. In addition to De Spiritu Sancto that discusses the divinity of the Holy Spirit and over 350 letters, St. Basil wrote nine homilies discussing the six days of creation. Today, read Homily 9. For an extra challenge, read them all.


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