The Saint Challenge Day 64 – Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus – January 3

The veneration of the Holy Name of Jesus is thought to have been first encouraged by St. Bernard of Clairvaux in 12th Century. Later, 15th Century Franciscan Sts. Bernardino of Siena and John Capistrano carried the IHS monogram of the Holy Name on a wooden tablet on their missions, using it to bless people and perform miracles. Beginning at the end of the 15th Century, the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus began to be celebrated in various regions of Christendom. In 1721, the feast was extended to the entire Catholic Church by Pope Innocent XIII.


Starting today, whenever you hear someone blaspheme the Holy Name of Jesus, God, or the Holy Spirit, in private or in public, no matter who says it, make the sign of the cross. In addition, pray the Litany of the Holy Name of Jesus, written by Sts. Bernardino of Siena and John Capistrano, which carries a partial indulgence.


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