The Saint Challenge Day 79 – Blessed Juan Barrera Méndez – January 18

Born in 1967 in Guatemala, Juan Méndez had a deep love for the faith from an early age. He lived during a time when his country was in the middle of constant conflict between the government’s military regime and various revolutionary groups, and to stand up for peace was to stand against the military. Juanito, as he was known, was part of Catholic Action and served as a catechist and missionary, going from house to house teaching the faith and preparing people to receive the sacraments. The government considered the Gospel a threat, and one day the army raided Juanito’s community. They arrested him, tortured him, and hung him on a tree. Then they shot him. He was only 12 years old.


In Guatemala, Catholic World Mission operates Mano Amiga, a school with 160 students that provides a regular school education and an education in faith to children ages 5-11 in the village of Cristo Rey Piedra Parada. The school also offers classes for parents, family counseling, distributes food and clothing, and more. Give them a donation today.


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