The Saint Challenge Day 94 – Feast of the Presentation – February 2

Today is the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord. According to Mosaic law, forty days after a woman gave birth to a son she was to present herself at the temple with an offering. Then the priest at the temple would take the offering and pray over her and she would be purified. Despite her purity, the Blessed Virgin Mary was a faithful Jew who followed the law, and with Joseph and the newborn Jesus, she came to the temple on this day and presented an offering of two turtledoves. In the temple, the Holy Family is greeted by Simeon and Anna, who both recognize that Jesus is the long-awaited Christ, the light of the world.


This day is also called Candlemas as the Church celebrates the light that Christ brings to the world. Today, buy candles (beeswax if possible) and have them blessed. Then burn these candles in your home throughout the year. Let them remind you that the light that is Christ shines in the darkness to enlighten us all, and that darkness cannot overcome the light.


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